Wednesday, November 10, 2021



1. What is the Atmosphere?
A. Atmospheric is the gaseous atmosphere that surrounds the earth gradually rising from the earth's surface.

 2.  What are the elements of the atmosphere?
 A. Atmosphere is a mixture of gaseous and non-gaseous substances.
E.g. - Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen etc.

 3. What percentage of nitrogen is in the atmosphere?
 A. 78. 084 percent.

 3. What percentage of oxygen is in the atmosphere?
 A. 20. 946 percent.

 4. What is the name of the main gaseous element in the atmosphere?
 A. Nitrogen.

 5. What is the name of the upper limit of the troposphere?
 A. Tropez.

 6. Clouds, storms in any layer of the atmosphere Jha etc. are created?
 A. In the stratosphere.

 7. According to the chemical composition of the atmosphere can be divided into what parts?
 A. In two parts. Hemisphere and heterosphere.

 4. What is the name of the layer of air above the troposphere?
 A. The stratosphere.

 9. Where is the level of ozone gas found?
 A. In the stratosphere.

 10. What is the name of the layer of air above the stratosphere?
 A. The mesosphere.

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